Daniel Lloyd Little was born in Moncton, New Brunswick during the height of the cold war, and fro
m an early age he began to show a great interest in military subjects. In later years he travelled extensively throughout North America visiting historic sites and museums. The owner of an extensive collection of books and artifacts on military history, Daniel has continued his study of all aspects of warfare from ancient studies to the current era.

The almost total lack of military themed fiction revolving around the Canadian
Armed Forces was a thorn in Daniel's side, and he was determined to write about the brave guys and gals who defend this great country. Weaving fiction and current events into his stories, readers familiar with the goings on within the Canadian Armed Forces will feel pangs of déjà vu throughout the novels.
Much of the information in his novels is garnered from friends,
people who serve or have served in the military, and of course his collection of books on the subject. One of Daniel's favourite sources are the Jane’s Fighting Ships
and Jane’s Aircraft books. These massive volumes contain a wealth of
information for anyone interested in military topics and they are the
‘go to’ source for many writers of military genre.
A graduate of Moncton High School, his love of writing first reared its head in the guise of overly long written projects, much to the dismay of his teachers. Not sure what he wanted to do after graduation, Daniel ended up working part-time for Radio Shack, a job that became an accidental career for almost thirty years. After leaving the 'Shack, he found a new calling with Register.com, as an Account Manger in their custom website department.
When the economy struck that business and the department was significantly down-sized, a new
opportunity came about with The Chronicle Herald as an Advertising Account Executive. Sadly, as you can imagine, lightning did strike twice but in this case his department was eliminated. Not taking any further chances with the possibility of down-sizing, Daniel started a new career as a Financial Services Representative with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), a position he held until his retirement in 2019.

Contact: info@daniellittle.com